1. This is a valid point. It's not that water will be the saviour of the Welsh economy but it's another example of the core-periphery economic relationship we're in. £642M would be very handy wouldn't it. https://twitter.com/nicllan/status/1283849172010115072
2. HS2 projected at over £100bn with an expected negative impact on the Welsh economy at over £100M pa and no Barnett Consequential. So we'll be contributing £5bn towards infrastructure that primarily benefits London and will cost us year after year after year.
3. Interesting listening to a farmer with concerns over C19 wrt border issues. Milk goes to England to be processed back to Wales to be sold.

So all the value added in England and much of the profit with it. How many Welsh dairies have we lost? How much GDP/GVA is that?
4. Next time you hear "Wales doesn't have the economic fundementals/tax base to support independence" argument ask "why?" "Whose economic policies produced this outcome?" Despite that epic failure of governance we still produce more per person than Spain with room for improvement
5. The truth is that an #IndyWales would restructure it's taxation and spending. We have more than enough to meet our needs and more. We have a lot of room for improvement ... i.e. there's a lot of untapped potential in our economy.
6. So next time someone says we don't have the fundamentals, ask if putting the fundamentals in place will develop the economy and improve the taxbase & standards of living. Then we point out that's a reason to support #IndyWales. UK track record is obviously dire in this regard.
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