Why do you need to practice Law of Attraction, even if you don’t believe in it?

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So what is the Law of Attraction?

For those who forgot let me remind you, it is the ability to attract things into your life by envisioning them.

Sounds simple right, but why do so many people fail in the process?
The law of attraction is a universal law.

And it’s understood that it applies to everyone.

You reap what you sow.

It all starts in your mind, you first envision what you need to do than you do it.
LOA is using the power of your mind, to begin the process of manifesting what you want.

But the key here is, you don’t need just envision the end result but the journey of getting there.

Which is you need to visualize yourself putting in work to achieve that goal.
This is why so many people fail and then say it doesn’t work, because they just keep in thinking and never take action.
You must have noticed that people who have worked to achieve big goals eventually end up attracting the right people.

They see what they want, they believe and they will achieve it by taking action. Not just by thinking.
If you can’t see yourself doing it, you won’t do it anyways.
So visualize yourself putting in the work for achieving the result you want and eventually you’ll achieve it,

Make your vision colorful and rich. Water it and nurture it daily.
In short,

-have a goal
-see it in your mind
-make a plan
-put in 110% of your efforts in it
-don’t quit at the first obstacle
-and just believe in yourself

This is how you live your dream.
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PS: If you want to take actions but are lacking discipline,

I would highly suggest you go through this 90 Day Training
by @lifemathmoney.

If you have any questions regarding it, you can always DM me😊

Grab the guide, and start Living Intentionally. https://bit.ly/90DaysMission 
You can follow @ShivaniGoutham.
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