1/ Ok... time for a full reality check for our #WyoRino @GovernorGordon and what he is facing come #election2022. #wyoming
As of Jan 2020, Wyo currently has 222000 registered voters. 156k are repubs. 40k are Dems, 24k are independent and the other handful go to constitutionalists and libertarians.
In 2018, @GovernorGordon Squeaked by in the primaries against 5 conservative candidates. Gordon only received 33%, Friess received 25%, and Hageman had a little over 21.5%. The other 20%+ went to the other conservative candidates.
Long thought that “moderate” Gordon was helped by Dems crossing over at the polling stations and registering as a R so they could keep out the conservatives.
Hard to say how many did that, but certainly I think any reasonable person can conclude that it helped Mr Gordon and not any of the others.
Now jump to 2020. Leftists media is touting a questionable UW poll about support for @GovernorGordon response to Covid and his mask shaming. Smoke and mirrors. Most conservatives do not subscribe to his way of thinking and his moderate views.
Especially after Wednesday’s press conference, he certainly did not make any new friends but created new anger.
Now imagine in 2022. If only one strong and financially stable conservative runs against @GovernorGordon in the primary... He would need all registered Dems and independents to switch parties at the primary and 1/3 of repubs to vote for him in order to squeak by.
Then add the @realDonaldTrump factor... when, not if, our president is re-elected later this year, do you think POTUS will support a moderate republican who has thumbed his nose at him and provided no support or... will he get behind a strong conservative in 2022?
So @GovernorGordon has two paths... continue on his personal attacks and snarky comments against those that disagree with him and hope to God that @realDonaldTrump doesn’t get re-elected or... wake up and start being a leader to the majority of people that he serves.
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