Fuck it, I’m gonna drop a truth bomb about John Lewis (again since I’ve done it once before) because of how much everyone likes to ride his dick because of his contribution to The Civil Rights movement. https://twitter.com/npr/status/1284339170052313091
Don’t get me wrong, I do respect John Lewis’ part in the Civil Rights movement a lot obviously, but I ain’t really shedding tears for him and here’s why.
My issue with John Lewis and something that people are weird about not acknowledging is that he sold the fuck out once he got into power as a Representative and became nothing more than a lapdog of the white moderates that MLK warned everyone about.
It’s sad to say that but that’s what became of him.

Like, for fuck’s sake, he literally endorsed Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in the 2008 election until it became political acceptable to do when he was actually starting to win-
-AND AFTER EVERYONE ELSE STARTED TO TURN ON HILLARY FIRST. Meaning that Barack Obama being a black candidate that everyone was excited about and had a real chance of winning didn’t mean shit to him, it was all about going along with what the establishment wanted.
He also chose to endorse Hillary Clinton (again) and Joe Biden in the last 2 elections over Bernie Sanders even though that he not only actually marched with MLK, unapologetically advocated for civil rights and actually did take part in the Civil Rights protests and got arrested-
-but he was pushing for every single solitary thing that MLK pushed for policy wise. So in that sense, if you wanted to continue MLK’s legacy in a tangible way, that’s who John Lewis should’ve endorsed. But again, he didn’t give a shit about that-
-because, again, he was more concerned about making the establishment happy and going along with what they wanted as far as picking their candidate-
-whereas Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were either complicit with the stigma of segregation and the policies denying African Americans the civil rights that they should’ve been entitled to or, in Joe Biden’s case, actually worked with segregationists to maintain segregation.
In fact, when John Lewis was asked to respond to the latter, not only was Joe Biden advocating for Bus Segregation early on in his career not a deal breaker for him in spite of that going against the change John Lewis fought for in the Civil Rights movement-
-but he essentially said that it wasn’t a big deal and that people were overreacting. That should tell you everything you need to know about what became of John Lewis once he got elected as a Representative.
My only hope to come out of his death is that we can get a real progressive to win John Lewis’ old seat so that John Lewis’ district has someone who will actually fight for them & not just maintain the status quo by literally doing nothing to improve their community.
Which is effectively what happened with John Lewis if you actually look at his record.

In conclusion, I think people need to stop putting John Lewis on an unrealistic pedestal just because he was civil rights advocate.
That’s not to say that his contribution to The Civil Rights movement is invalid & we shouldn’t respect what he did do during that time. But what I am saying is that that shouldn’t be used a shield to deflect the fact that he went against what I thought he believed at that time.
Especially if you assume he took MLK’s teachings to heart and how much he ultimately decided to fundamentally go against his teachings during his time as a Representative.
He did nothing to improve his community nor did actually he fight for it and I wish people would stop being weird about John Lewis and just acknowledge that he sold the fuck out once he got political power.
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