1. One shard about John Lewis. At the March on Washington the original text of the speech he planned to give was deemed too radical — even by mainstream civil rights leaders who were themselves seen as radical. They demanded that he change it.
2. “We are now involved in... revolution. This nation is still a place of cheap political leaders who build their careers on immoral compromise and ally themselves with open forms of... exploitation. What political leader can stand up and say ‘My party is the party of principles’
3. “To those who have said ‘be patient and wait’ we must say that “patience is a dirty and nasty word.... We will march through the Heart of Dixie the way that Sherman did. We shall pursue our own “scorched earth” policy.”
4. In any event, let us remember Lewis the radical, radical *even within his own radical movement* rather than the simplistic bipartisan, universally beloved, kumbaya figure that assuages rather than challenges our consciences today.
5. And let us resolve to find those figures who live today — radicals who are right too soon. People of conscience & conviction who we shun or ignore or mock as “radical” only because of the moral stuntedness of our present politics.
6. Who are the John Lewis’ circa 1963 who live today — too radical even for our present radical movements, but beacons of righteousness nevertheless? They are among us. Let us resolve to find them and give them voice.
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