Are men trash? - Thread

We live in a world where women can often open their own doors, usually to their own offices, frequently to sign paychecks for some of you.

So what right do you & I have to police their opinion?

First of all, I'm not some woke feminist trying to taste the water-melon-sugar of a posh Colombo nangi.

Fuck that. I don't have to pander to impress anybody to get what I want. Authenticity is what has taken me thus far.

And that's what this is. A logical analysis.

When a woman says "men are trash", she's usually talking about her experience. In her experience, including her family, the men have been trash

There's a high chance she doesn't know of the achievements that are important to you or of your perfectly average sized penis

She's been unfortunate enough to go through shit and now needs to care about your feelings because you're insecure all of a sudden when she finally decided to speak?
No. She's in pain.

Be a real man, stay the fuck away from drama.

What's this attention seeking behavior?

And if your motives are to maintain your level of control or hold over women, to be that "Hollywood rough guy" denying a woman an opinion isn't how it works.

You've already lost that battle by letting them get to you with something personal they wanted to talk about.

You want to dominate? Without resorting to financially blackmailing her? Without getting into a tweet-war with her?

Be a fucking promontory that has the solidity to lull a stormy ocean to sleep.

Show her that nothing fazes you. Not the pms, Grey's anatomy or the ex.

And fuck your whataboutism.

Don't ask me if all women are good. What about the childish behavior. What about the daddy issues.. Jada "healed" by rear-ending young dick... That type of women are dead to me.

Read the topic. That's what we're on about here.

Here's my most recent experience.

This Doctor I'm seeing, her boss, only "allows" her to wear sarees. Even when she does nights. Even on weekends.

One of her seniors, forced her to remove the diamond ring I gave her, at a hospital coworker's party.

Her co-resident House Officer, a man that went to school with me, that knows who I am, has now tried twice to force alcohol on her at co-worker's parties when she said no. Countless times has asked for selfies. When she said no, kept on suggesting he'll take the pictures.

His excuse?

Apparently I have too much money to commit to one person, and as a female doctor she needs to know that she must be loyal to the men closest in proximity to her, not just her husband, anyway they ask. He barged into her room with 3 other dudes to say this.

All of the above. All Doctors. All Men

So you tell me

This girl comes and tells me All men are trash. She's weeping. Because everybody she works with is suddenly a rape threat. She's away from her family. Taking my typical "invisible hand" shit along with everything.

Do I correct her by saying "not all men" to massage my fragile ego to suddenly make the problem about me?

Or do I see about teaching these boys a lesson they'll remember everytime they even think about using their tongue again, leave alone their dicks?

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