
For @zengadfly

You totally don't get what's going on.

How the hell is the Berkeley City Council going to "come after the rest of us"?

Send their obese social workers?

You're not supposed to be as crazy as they are.
Explain to me how leftists are going to take over deep-red cities and states.

YOU can fantasize about an epic war that's never going to happen, but I'm not into wasting my time.

The people you say are "coming after us" can't even run their own cities.
Ever heard the phrase "You and what army?"

Somebody pointed me to the psycho George Webb, who said that he'd seen "classified documents" showing that 1.5 million Antifa terrorists were going to hit every state on July 4, 2020.

In a crisis, people show their true character.

The panic mongers are just as bad as the people abolishing the police and turning cities into shooting galleries.

Is it really too much to ask people to act their goddam age?

Here's a serious question for you and George Webb:
Why do you people ascribe superpowers to leftists and pretend that the federal government doesn't exist?

Why do you pretend that @realDonaldTrump hasn't declared a national state of emergency and invoked the Stafford Act?
Why do you pretend that the National Guard isn't real?

Why do you pretend that feds don't have 1000+ tactical teams?

Why is it always YOU against the leftist Orcs?

Nobody knows how anything works, and it's making me SICK.
I'll make a deal with you:

I grew up in a country where terrorists had free rein. Cuban-trained and armed terrorists AND national gendarme terrorists AND secret police terrorists.

They all worked together, so the only way to stop them was to kill them.
But simply killing them wasn't enough.

You had to make them FEAR YOU.

That was what my father did.

He was fearless, so he created a kind of commando unit of World War II and Korean War veterans who took action when needed.
The country relied WHOLLY on the corporation for which my father worked, so after a few ambushes and threats from the corporation to pull out, the terrorists stopped harassing us.
You TALK a big game, but obviously you have no idea how to "be ready for them."

One guy alone in his house would be taken out in three minutes.

Do you have a commando squad of combat veterans?

Have you worked out plans of action?
Have you arranged for corporations and the US government to back you up?



So keep your silly opinions to yourself. I don't want to hear them. You're playacting, and it's grotesque.


And if they were?

You'd be toast.
In Minneapolis, they were shooting at firefighters, throwing explosives, and using incendiary weapons that caused building to catch fire in seconds.

The Minnesota governor said there were international terrorists and Mexican cartel members there.
You ready to go up against THOSE guys?

We both know the answer.

So just stop it. Trump knows what he's doing, and he has assets that you can't even imagine.

So knock it off.

Enough with revving yourself up for something that's not going to happen.

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

I'LL tell you when to worry.

Until then, don't pester me with childish make-believe.

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