One thing I've learned about myself this past year is that being a "professional online content creator" is not for me. That doesn't mean I'm not creating stuff, it means I'm not directly monetizing views on anything I make.
Obviously my YouTube, twitch, and Ko-fi accounts still exist but they are not a major source of income that I rely on in any way. I enjoyed creating content on those platforms, but I need them to not be "work" to keep enjoying them.
People get really caught up in trying to get their "online dream job" and having seen it up close myself, lemme tell you: it's bullshit
IMO it can create really serious emotional issues to be a "professional influencer" where public opinion literally determines your livelihood. It's a conflict of interests many creators talk about -- you can't be completely candid when you need to appeal to an audience
Not saying that it automatically corrupts everyone, but it is a serious problem that influencers have to navigate individually. Massive popularity can twist your sense of authenticity to yourself. Always being on display is hard, and often unhealthy.
Personally I'm checking out of the rat race!! I've come too far to let my voice be hostage to public opinion anymore. I'd rather have nothing to lose by speaking up 🙂
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