One of my favorite humans tested positive for coronavirus this week despite masking up and generally being responsible for the last several months and it basically boils down to him being an "essential" worker whose employer didn't enforce masks and other precautions despite (1/?
multiple other people at his work place testing positive or having immediately family members test positive.

He's healthy and will likely be perfectly fine, but it's impeding him and threatening his household which consists of several other people including a high risk relative
Here's him in our group chat four months ago worried about his employer who, in the week Tennessee began to batten down the hatches, sent this friend of mine to the store on a frivolous errand in the middle of the work day.

Gutting to read now that his fears were realized.
Many essential workers are being treated like shit, getting sick and then not being able to work because of other people's wants and choices.

They can't choose to stay home or work from home, so we better do so when we have the option.
I'm begging yall to take ALL available precautions when you go out. Otherwise you are gambling with other people's lives and livelihoods.
And before someone comes for me, this is not and should not be viewed as a political stance. I'd ask you all to shelter yourself and families if another tornado was coming or to not drive drunk for your life and others, and this is the same.

Be safe and keep others safe, please.
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