What’s going on guys? Before I dive into my next company. I want to make a thread detailing why I do this. THREAD!!
First, I want to say, I DO NOT do this for followers, fame, likes, RTs, etc. I’ve been accused of this.
Second, I do not want to harass a company into shutting down. My intention is never to “bully” a company into completely shutting down. All I want is them to be honest with the community.
I haven’t been in the small streamer community for long, but I absolutely love this community, and everybody in it.
I’ve never been super serious about streaming. I can’t say that I’ve ever wanted to do this for a living. However, I do know what it’s like to want something, and put your heart and soul into something working tirelessly to achieve that goal.
THAT is the main reason I love this community so much. Everybody here is working their asses off to make it as an entertainer. To create a better life for them and their families. And they are constantly supporting others with that same dream.
Hopping from chat to chat to show real love. Making real connections. DROPPING THOUSANDS on Twitch subs to help others. This imo is the best part of the internet.
In a way this is the “updated” version of the “American Dream”
I do this because when I see “companies” preying on people who are in a vulnerable state in their Twitch careers.
These amazing people are willing to do stuff they normally wouldn’t just to grow, and make their dream a reality. This includes getting manipulated by one of these companies into shamelessly plugging a product NO ONE wants.
I want ALL OF YOU to know your worth. You all work too hard to fall for shit like @TriumphChairs
I want everybody in this community to understand that these are not real companies. They are not real brands.
They are some asshole in a basement buying shit off Amazon at a lower price, and shipping it to the customer. They have NO intention of being a real business.
When they approach you for a “sponsorship” they make you believe that THEY will be a platform for you. THIS IS NOT THE CASE.
In reality, YOU are the platform for THEM! Think about it. I could start a drop ship business tomorrow. LARP as a real company, and start a Twitter.
I only have 1 follower. Then, I follow everyone who follows @rtsmallstreams (or any of those accounts) and say “We are a new company and want to sponsor you”
You, as the streamer have say 100 followers. They do this 100 times. They have no leveraged their shitty drop ship Shopify store from 0 followers to thousands by taking advantage of people. All while giving you NOTHING in return.
THIS IS NOT OKAY!!! They make THOUSANDS of dollars off of you while you make pennies from “commission” but it’s okay because you’re “sponsored”
This is complete bullshit, and I don’t want to watch a community that I love so much get preyed on. Thats why I do this.
Sorry, this was just a rant, because I’ve gotten DMs from people talking shit. Just remember, sponsorships, and affiliations are not a way to grow. They are a way to monetize your content.
They are good when you have 50+ viewers, and want to make some more money. NOT when you have 10 viewers and want to grow.
You can follow @clappdon2.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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