New Q (17 Jul '20): @LindseyGrahamSC: "statements by Mr. Strzok question the entire premise of the FBI’s investigation of the Trump Campaign & make it even more outrageous that the Mueller team continued this investigation for almost two and a half years."
2. “These documents suggest that President Trump was targeted by the [then-director James] Comey FBI as soon as he stepped foot in the Oval Office,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
3. Inflating positive case numbers while conveniently omitting the declining deaths is only being done to scare the public into wanting mail-in voting. The virus will suddenly disappear on 4 November.
4. Inflated positive case #s being reported for the sole purpose of scaring people into demanding mail-in voting. It's the very reason Dem Governors pushed nursing homes into accepting COVID-19- positive cases. It's all about justifying main-in voting.
5. CDC cover story: “C.D.C. did not manufacture its test consistent with its own protocol.”
"...imported test kits were faulty as they had returned positive results on a goat and a pawpaw..."
6. Dems desperate to win FL in Nov. Multiple labs not reporting negative test results.

“Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive...Other labs had very high positivity rates.”
7. COVID-19 will magically disappear on 4 Nov, the day after President Trump wins the 2020 election. [They] are planning a massive cyber attack on 11.4, the day we believe Podesta will be arrested (based on drop #34).
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