What scares me most abt where we're at in the pandemic is that before, when this was all new, there was an understanding in most places that we had to ramp things down to have any chance of slowing the virus. Schools. Workplaces. Sports. Theaters. Restaurants. Stay-at-home orders
... It was a little easier to convince ppl then, bc it was still cold outside, and less desire/temptation to be out & abt. We were nearing the end of a school yr, as opposed to the beginning of one. And football, our most-watched sport, wasn't potentially on chopping block...
... It's a bit insane to me that as the numbers have reached new highs here that the talk of stay-at-homes and quarantines is so reduced. And it feels like more of a timing thing, where it would be too painful/inconvenient for cities and states to actually take that step again.
It's even more insane to me that there's still an ongoing debate abt the need for masks. But as someone who's stepped into maybe two buildings that weren't grocery stores since this thing started, it's crazy to me that stuff is so normal again when numbers are still exploding.
I don't know what the best solutions or practices are before there's a vaccine. But there's an element of it that feels like we know this is a problem, & will continue to be, but the political pain of mandating stay-at-homes for too long a period is just too great to be practical
They also normalized shutting down first. I have plenty of critiques for it, and have voiced them. But they also seemingly have more of a plan (and resources) to do what they’re doing than just abt anyone else.
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