I've had it with Republicans and their "pro-life" hypocrisy.

They're "pro-life" until children are born & need things to live.

They're "pro-life" until needed to wear masks in a pandemic.

They're "pro-life" until they want to sacrifice seniors to covid for the economy.
They're "pro-life" until black people are killed by police.

They're "pro-life" until they want to send our kids & teachers back to school in a pandemic.

They're "pro-life" until we need healthcare.

They're "pro-life" until there's an opioid epidemic.
They're "pro-life" until there's another school/mass shooting.

They're "pro-life" until a Cat 4 hurricane devastates Puerto Rico and kills thousands of Americans.

They're "pro-life" until single and low income parents need welfare assistance.
They're "pro-life" until an unforeseen health issue arises and you go bankrupt trying to stay alive.

They're "pro-life" until a diabetic has to drive to Canada for insulin bc Big Pharma can charge whatever they want for life saving medicine in the United States.
They're "pro-life" until workers want to be paid a living wage.

They're "pro-life" until it comes to taking care of our Veterans or 9/11 first responders.

They're "pro-life" until a poor and undocumented immigrant needs refuge and safety.
They're "pro-life" until there are migrant children in need of safe and sanitary conditions.

They're "pro-life" until you've worked for 50-60 yrs and want to retire and collect the social security you've paid into your entire adult life.
They're "pro-life" until they authorize another death row execution.

They're "pro-life" until it's time for another war.

They're "pro-life" until a trans person needs medical assistance.

They're "pro-life" until a gay couple wants to have children.
They're "pro-life" until they ignore the tens of thousands of children in the US foster system.

They're "pro-life" until Big Oil corrupts our air and water.

They're "pro-life" until Flint Michigan needs clean water so their children don't die of lead poisoning.
They're "pro-life" until a woman dies giving birth bc her state wouldn't allow her to terminate.

They're "pro-life" until a teenage girl is forced to carry her rapists baby & dies trying to abort the pregnancy herself.

They're "pro-life" until a child is hungry at school.
They're "pro-life" until Native Americans get in the way of corporate profits.

They're "pro-life" until you're in inmate in a for-profit prison.

They're "pro-life" until you have to choose between rent and groceries.

They're "pro-life" until other lives need anything at all.
Republicans are only "pro-life" when it's convenient, politically advantageous, and requires no sacrifice or effort on their part.

Everything they do is against life. They only care about the unborn bc they're the perfect group to champion bc they require nothing from them.
The unborn will never ask them for help. They'll never question their motivation or hypocrisy. They require no funding or genuine effort. And once they are born they cease to matter.
So no, Republicans are not pro-life. They're just anti-abortion bc it's a serviceable mechanism to maintain an illusion of morality they don't actually possess.

Stop calling them "pro-life." They've been against life for a long time. Check the receipts.

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