There appears to be a lot of misinformation on social media regarding the Maintenance Grant. The maintenance grant was not income tested and therefore, did not target low-income Albertans. #AbLeg #abpse
The maintenance grant disproportionately favoured students in one-year programs at private career colleges. Only 1250 students enrolled in public post-secondary programs across Alberta were able to access the grant in 2018-19. Not the 6500 that some are claiming.
Our balanced approach will increase the number of low- and middle-income people who can access grant funding for post-secondary education – something student groups have been advocating for.
There will no longer be eligibility gaps for students due to their choice of program. The new grant will be available for certificate, graduate, and apprenticeship programs, as well as students in open and general studies. Resulting in 6400 more Albertans being eligible. #abpse
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