It hurts to see the disrespect Dynamite is showing towards their own creators who've been attacked by E/V/S & C/Gers w/ the pub giving money to E/V/S & the company boosting fundraising campaigns for them.

I wrapped up my work with Dyna awhile ago but learning this: Never again.
Maybe, a big maybe, people involved here are truly ignorant to everything that's happened in the last few years. Maybe they'll see they've made a mistake & correct this. Maybe they know full well & don't care. If so, shameful.

I feel for the creators now put in a crap position.
& it's not just disrespectful to creators there but creators & fans across the board who've been on the receiving end of some truly awful people. Even I've been attacked because I spoke out against C-Gers homophobic attacks on others. It's frustrating to have Dynamite ignore this
A good thread by Erica Schultz about creators who have work at Dynamite currently. Go easy on people who are doing their best and can't make the same choices as others:
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