About the "defund the police" issue.
The morning my husband died, I had to call 911 as he was not yet on hospice care. He was on palliative care as he still wished to continue chemotherapy. Two patrol cars - 4 armed officers arrived with the paramedics.
Trying to escort them to our bedroom, "Ma'am, step away," was ordered several times. I was told to remain in a separate part of the house with one of the officers. After about 20 minutes, the paramedics and 2 of the officers left. I was then "interrogated" for about a half hour.
Never once did they call his Oncologist, his Radiologist, his Primary Care physician, his Palliative Care physician, or the Palliative Home Care unit. I offered the numbers several times, begging them to call instead of grilling me. When questioned about his medications, I went
to retrieve the printed list. It was a long list. "Ma'am, sit down!" Several times I told them I needed the list. Finally I defied them and retrieved my notebook with every date, every surgery, every treatment for two years. "Ma'am, please remain seated!" By now, my shock and
grief have consumed me. I ordered them out of my house. They called a supervisor. I called one of his doctors. They still did not speak with him. The rest is a blur, but about another half hour, I think one of his doctors called the PD about a death certificate, they finally
left. "Right funding" the police might make this less traumatic for others. There was no need for four armed officers in my home, preventing me from calling people I needed to begin the "business" of death and grieving.
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