His words

“Of course March 16 is the day I came to this House and said all unnecessary social contact should cease.

“That is precisely when the lockdown was started.”
Now never mind that you can even compare Matt's own words from June 2nd https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1284149428199264256
Now unlike a day trip to Barnard Castle and a trip to the family estate in Durham

There weren't a lot of Tory MP's who decided to amplify and reinforce Matt Hancock's lie https://twitter.com/PandaScottish/status/1264636461577646084
Well except 2 (that I have seen - I can't be arsed searching through the entire parliamentary "conservative" party)

So anyway my focus is not the lie

After all

If you can lie about testing

Lie about protective rings

Lie about NHS misusing PPE

Lie about carers not following procedures

Lie about so much

I want to understand the process not the "result"
Then after some 65,000 people are dead due to your party's incompetence over coronavirus

You have such contempt for your victims, their families, their friends

That you can lie so shamelessly on the floor of the House of Commons
Well I suppose you did indicate exactly what contempt for the House of Commons looked like

Matt Hancock

"proroguing parliament would go against “everything that those men who waded on to those beaches fought and died for”, adding: “And I will not have it.”"
I pity Matt Hancock

He has truly lost his soul to the Cummings-Johnson cult

I hope whatever he views as the "benefit" of that choice is worth the "cost"
Now I am not going to into the Tory record over a decade on mental health https://twitter.com/PandaScottish/status/1114061744719245312
Or indeed on austerity

After all Liz Truss "explains" it all so well here https://mobile.twitter.com/PandaScottish/status/1202012607928061952
Question 1a: Who was involved in you crafting the lie about when the lockdown was ordered?

Question 1b: Who do you think will fall for that lie?
Question 3a: When was the lie conceived - was it focus grouped?
Question 3b: When was the lie conceived - was it brain stormed just at your department?
Question 3c: When was the lie conceived - who was involved in its conception, planning and execution?
Question 4: Where did the decision to lie lie? - with you, with Dom, with Boris?
Question 5: Why lie about something so obviously disprovable?
Question 6: How do you think your sense of honesty, integrity, decency, duty is doing as you follow the cult of Cummings-Johnson into its eternal spiral of cheating lying racist incompetence?
I would add 3 questions

1) Where is your point of no return. What lie would you not say in the furtherance of self, career and cult?

2) Do you think that usefulness to Cummings-Johnson will protect you from turning on you if they need to?
Oh and at the last

Not a question

An instruction

A plea

A request

Fuck off and take your tone with you

You sad incompetent craven desperate self serving charlatan https://twitter.com/PandaScottish/status/1260122284850917377
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