Because of fake history on twitter today by Erin O'toole, for the record:

Conservatives have been deeply corrupt since their first leader, and Canada's biggest political scandal which compelled his resignation in disgrace.

Canada's first Prime Minister.

In case this jogs your memory at all.
Shall we review Canada's history of political scandals?

We can count them up!

Let"s do this.

Join me on a journey thru Canada's political scandals. We'll see how Conservatives do.
The Conservatives have a massive scandal literally from the beginning. Nothing since approached the Pacific scandal. First and pretty much the only PM driven out by scandal. We'll get to that later.

Not looking good for the Cons so far, but maybe this is it? Let's see.

King-Byng Affair. Pretty serious involving King's officials and bribes. He recovers and is PM during the war.

MacDonald is still far worse.

At mid-century mark, this is our tally of scandals.

Until....(wait for it next tweet)
Canada's first political sex scandal.

And it's a Conservative scandal.

Involving the Soviets.

So this is a BIGGIE.

You can read further:
Here's the rest of the anthem.

So wouldn't you say that's heavy duty stuff? The Minister of Defence sleeping with a Soviet spy. And other ministers. And covering it up.

Not only that, the then former Defence minister beat up a CBC camera crew:
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