Okay so, I've noticed this is an issue in like, every community and I'm just gonna say something:

Narcissist is a loaded term. While yes, it doesn't exclusively refer to someone with NPD it's kinda become synonymous.

People with NPD face a LOT of abuse and stigma.
Like, they're regularly outed from mental health support communities simply because of their diagnosis, people who are known to be "so good to people with mental illness 😊"
regularly call for folks with NPD to be *sterilized*.
Not to mention if you're someone with NPD who has been abused, its practically impossible for you to find support because nearly EVERY space for abuse survivors is LOADED with people who think "narcissistic abuse" is a thing and will IMMEDIATELY accuse NPD folks of being abusers.
So...please, if you can, avoid calling abusers narcissists. I KNOW they're self absorbed (call them self-absorbed, self-centeres) but using that particular word contributes to stigma against ppl with NPD.
Literally, I know people with NPD who have merely MENTIONED their diagnosis and then had entire discord servers turn and start calling them abusers.

Listen to people with PDs when we tell you "please don't use these words" for fuck sake.
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