In short: Le Mesurier faked receipts for funds designated for a rescue op - but used the $ 50,000 as bonus payments for himself, his wife, and a third administrator!
As the case was clear he admitted the fraud.

The Western governments supporting the WhiteHelmets try their best to hide, downplay and explain away the evident fraud, - apparently in order not to tarnish the brand .....

This is preposterous: the facts speak for themselves, and reveal a high level of criminal energy!
James Le Mesurier was accidentally caught on a specific case of embezzlement, which to cover he provided faked receipts.

But even the official inquiry indicates this was no exception: they paid "excessive salaries" to themselves, financial accounts are missing, no supervision!
After Le Mesurier's death, the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (WGSPM) published research on the many companies involved in channeling the funds for the #WhiteHelmets - an intransparent network almost devised for avoiding accountability!
This sophisticated network of companies outlined by WGSPM plainly contradicts the image created by JLM and some employees that there was organisational "chaos", that he was not "a financial man", it was "a fairly young and learning organisation", etc.
Apparently, the missing cash was used for an opulent wedding ceremony of JLM with Emma Winberg (who was also a beneficiary of the fraudulent scheme).
Keep in mind this a bonus *on top* of excessive salaries!
James Le Mesurier even had the nerve to complain to the donour countries that he was "relatively underpaid" - with a monthly salary of 24k Euros (for comparison, = about the salary of Chancellor Merkel)!

This is taxpayers' money!

James Le Mesurier was an impudent grifter!
There were even demands for a salary cut - but there's no oversight over bonuses, thanks to JLM's opaque network devoid of accountabiliy. Probably he and Winberg did not pay taxes in the Netherlands.

So, this is why I call Le Mesurier a criminal fraudster - without reservation!
Meanwhile, there are edit operations on Wikipedia to whitewash the biography of fraudster Le Mesurier:

the first short - and correct - note of the news (in light blue) was promptly deleted by none other than Philip Cross!
Then, a short paragraph on "fraud allegations" was created that made it appear Le Mesurier had just *reported* the fraud - instead of having to admit *comitting* it himself!
At present, the fraud section is enlarged to include the relevant details - but still materially misleading, including the bogus excuse it was all a "misunderstanding"!

"Oh, I just misunderstood it wasn't OK to take out 50k $ for my wedding and hide it with fake receipts!"
And clearly, this is the line for #WhiteHelmets apologists to take: Poor James was the most misunderstood man on earth!

How should he know the cash designated for the WH "Hero fund" were not meant to be used as bonus on top of his excessive salary?
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