TW : eating disorders
I lived with an awful, all consuming, get-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-to-weigh-myself eating disorder for the guts of a decade.
I tried my very best to keep it a secret although Id say some people close to me twigged 1/
I don’t know what I though would happen if people found out but above all else I kept it secret...
And doing that let it control my whole life, I had no confidence and spent so much time hating my body I don’t know how I got anything else done 2/
The services in Ireland and understanding of eating disorders is way behind where it needs to be.
I had tried to get help a few times as my bulimia had gotten so bad I would wake up with all my limbs tingling and dead feeling 3/
Until a friend forced me to tell my mum I couldn’t get out of it.
It might not be your family but please please please tell somebody if you’re going through the same...
It was like the power it had over me began to break once it was out in the open 4/
It is so worth it to feel free with what, where, when, and how much you eat.
It wasn’t easy at all to get here and for years I thought I’d never have a mostly normal relationship with food 5/
I had to learn (amongst other things) what being hungry felt like, how to see myself, and what a normal portion was.
But again, it was so worth it.
Please take the step and tell somebody.
It won’t be half as bad as you imagine 6/
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