I track a lot of things on Ireland's response, and how it all sits relative to the global progression, as I find it interesting to stay informed.

Overall real-time picture is still excellent but if people continue with those epic house parties, we'll be goosed within 4 weeks.
One example of a knowable real-time snapshot is the completed tests in past 24 hours.

Today's 9,512 tests produced a jump of 26 positives.

That's a negativity rate of 99.73%. When those 26 will get announced depends on internal notification systems.
There's been exactly 50 positives over the past 14,028 completed tests (last 2 days).

In basic terms 13,978 people got tested and got the all-clear. That's 50 who got a positive result.

Hardly anyone is infected in each large group they test.

Always good.
The negativity rate of that 14,028 is 99.65%.

For some context, exactly 1 month ago the negativity rate in Ireland was hovering between 98.9% to 99.2%.

We are doing very well compared to a month ago:

We're actually testing more yet finding proportionally less sick people.
A 99.73% negativity rate means 0.27% test positive.

What we're seeing in US, throughout Eastern Europe, throughout South America and the Middle East is positivity rates ranging from whopping (30% type stuff) down to discouraging (like the 5% in Missouri).
Today we had 34 cases.

European average of new cases today, controlled for Ireland's population, is a massive 94.

Even our "bad days" lately are far better than most places.

We would need 8x consecutive days of *57 cases* to be in jeopardy of falling off EU Green Lists.
What people sometimes don't conceptualize is because covid19 largely stagnated in Ireland, these daily jumps feel big to us but they're not in the European context.

Most countries in EU (nevermind America or Middle East) would bite our hands off to have our numbers.
It's not all rosy in the garden.

We're seeing the clear consequences of house parties, that's the opinion of NPHET, who stated clearly that people congregating indoors in large groups is driving this wobble.

How about no mad house parties? Great thanks :)
You can safely invite some friends over and have a few drinks?

They're directing these pleas for a bit of cop on at the people who think "a few friends" = 78 lads they've never met ending up in their back garden for an all-nighter.

Knock it off or we will 100% end up in shit.
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