1 #COVID isnt only a smokescreen 4 #TheGreatReset it’s a global research project to determine the impact on worldwide #CO2. All 2feed the psychopathic obsessions of #Gates #Bezos

We’re all unwilling participants in the 🌎’s largest most sinister research experiment in history!
2 If you have watched #BillGates 2010 Ted Talk, Innovating to Zero, you will know his stated goal is to reach zero co2 under the guise of climate change disasters .
3 In the same video #BillGates makes very specific statements which can be strongly correlated to the current #COVID19 hysteria, #vaccines, and co2.

Statement 1: His stated goal: Near to zero co2.

He states, “This [co2] is something that has to get to zero.”
4 Here’s where the research comes in:

Factories shut/shutting down: co2 reduction

Modes of transport, mostly inactive: co2 reduction

PEOPLE are INSIDE. When they aren’t, they’re FORCED to WEAR #MASKS: co2 reduction

**A great opportunity for #DATA COLLECTION on co2 reduction**
5 Remember, #BillGates goal is near to 0 co2.

Gates’ Statement 2:
“ Now, we put out a lot of carbon dioxide every year. Over 26 billion tons. For each American it’s about 20 tons.”

Shut down the globe. Collect the data. How nearer to zero co2 are we, now?
6 Statement 3:
“This equation has 4 factors.” [In getting to zero co2]

His first factor is listed as PEOPLE. He goes on to state each factor will be considered during his presentation.
7 Statement 4:
#BillGates:“ The world today has about 6.8 billion people that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on NEW #vaccines...we could LOWER THAT by perhaps 10 or 15%.”

Gates specifically states vaccines assist in depopulation.
8 #Trump has partnered with the #GatesFoundation controlled #GAVI by donating 1.16 BILLION to them for #COVID #vaccines

Gates’ goal: Zero co2
Objective 1: Reduce pop via vaccines

Now Gates has his support for moving toward zero co2 & population reduction via the #POTUS
9 #BillGates Statement 5:

“Now, how we’re gonna go forward on this. What’s the right approach? Is it a Manhattan project?”
10 A #ManhattanProject is a rushed scientific experiment.


A #ManhattanProject like #OperationWARPSPEED, initiated by #Trump

And based on CDC guidelines those supplying vaccines cannot be held liable for deaths or illnesses
11 Now for #Bezos.

We can see Bezos’ agreement with Gates Re: Getting as near to zero co2 as possible, as evidenced by this recent (7/2020) #Amazon commercial
12 Based on, but not limited to, this evidence, the world’s population has been unknowingly participating in a secret, & nefarious research project to determine the impacts on co2 during #COVID lockdowns; including but far from limited to, the forced wearing of #masks.
13Another motivation for #COVID & #lockdowns can be found in the expressed desire by those such as #GoldmanSachs & the British #RoyalFamily for a #GlobalReset #TheGreatReset as evidenced on the WorldEconomicForum’s website, & the RF’s official YT channel.
14 What we are experiencing is not about a pandemic. What we are experiencing are the impacts of being human lab rats, in order to fulfill the psychopathic delusions of those so evil they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
15 And if one believes “Innovating to Zero” co2
is the “final solution,” a term used in #Nazi era Germany for the deaths of Jews, as #Gates referred to #COVID interventions, co2 reduction is merely another objective, rather that the ultimate goal!
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