Almost a week on from the Kildare St #MarchForInnocence / #HandsOffOurKids hatefest, this message from #TravellersAgainstRacism is for me the most poignant summary of the whole sad ugly mess.
John Connors may not be the nicest person out there (seriously, he is a bit of a homophobe) but he was played beautifully by the #AltShite crew last weekend. So let’s not be too hard on him or Travellers in general.
Last Saturday, John Connors addressed a few hundred people in Kildare St. Unfortunately, the few hundred were the most virulent #antiLGBT #antiImmigrant #antiTraveller homophobes and racists (like #GrandTorino) that Ireland has to offer.

And they played John like a puppet.
The #MarchForInnocence rally against @rodericogorman featured every Irish racist and homophobe worth his salt, including Justin “Fat Midget in a Communion Suit” Barrett, his young second wife and some #HangTheGays followers.
International racists also picked up the #MarchForInnocence story. @AmyMek, an exceedingly nasty American White supremacist, shared the story with her 250,000 followers.
Paul @PrisonPlanet Watson also shared the #AntiLGBT story with over 1 MILLION followers.
And yes, Paul Watson really does have over a million followers. He’s a racist who makes his money out of attacking minority groups like refugees, Blacks, Somalians, Muslims... and people like John Connors.
The backlash against John Connors has been fierce. He has been forced to take cover just like one of the characters he plays.
So my basic message is this: Don’t allow one bad decision by John Connors colour your view about Travellers in general.
Or Blacks.
Or Muslims.
Or gays.
Or any of the other minorities targeted by the Irish racists who organised last weekend’s so-called #MarchForInnocence.
BTW, speaking of the #antiImmigrant #PaperIrish #DeportTheBlacks National Party with all their #HangTheGays nooses, I’ve always been fascinated by this guy.
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