. Dispatches from the War: Mr. Trump, the enemy is deep inside the gate... Note to the reader: As I stated on Monday, don't blithely assume the economy is reopening and things will continue to improve. The nation is under the control of public health traitors...
. They can declare "new waves" of cases. They can invent pretexts at the drop of a hat, and governors and mayors can declare lockdowns again. This is not over. The economic war against the people is being waged to destroy America...
. and everything that was closed suddenly opened...

nothing harmful would happen. This would be another flu year. Just as you supposed at the beginning.

You know that. Yet, knowing it, are you going to stand aside and let this country go down into chaos?...
. The men have told him that if he turns on the engine, the whole train could explode.

You're standing on a hill overlooking the train. You're the General. Your Army is behind you.

What do you do?...
. the whole vicious assault against the very survival of Americans...

Are you willing to turn your back and walk away from this?

Are you willing to let public health officials destroy the country with their insane fear porn about a germ; about what amounts to a flu season?...
. Many credentialed doctors and scientists have exposed the vastly overblown story. They've been trying to reach out to you, but the news networks and other traitors are blocking them.

You're in a bubble...
. This SENSELESS war is breaking apart loved ones from loved ones. Can you understand what that means?

If tomorrow, all the people took off all their masks, and all the people stopped walking six feet apart, and all the people said no to testing and tracing...
. Take him completely off the board as a member of the coronavirus task force. It's not enough to say you disagree with him. Put him out to pasture. You don't realize just how dangerous he is...
. Do not believe any of his declarations of "science." They are, in fact, weapons of sabotage.

Earlier this week, I proposed that you send in troops (or the FBI) to the states and cities, with a wartime mandate to force open the whole American economy..
. Once and for all...

Preventing state and city officials from continuing any form of lockdown or restraint on the LIBERTY of the people...

Because this IS war, and the enemy IS in charge right now. You certainly aren't...
. I'm sure you have a few bright people working for you, people who aren't secretly spying on you or operating on behalf of Big Globalism. Bring those people into a room and tell them you are open to suggestions and operations that do not include sending in the troops...
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