A thread on microaggressions? Let’s go.

If you feel comfortable, drop your experience below so we can learn from eachother.

I’ll start.

“Tell me again what your dad does, is he in the oil industry?” (After telling this doc 5 times that my dad is a Data Scientist)
The statement “Wow, you don’t have an accent!” & Co
“When did you get your citizenship?”
“Does your family support your decision to pursue medicine?” & repeatedly coming back to this during an interview
A doc talking to someone else about resilient immigrants who make it to the US for a better life & immediately turning to me to say “you must know all about that”
“Is that your Quran?” Regarding my H&P notebook while in clinic
After disagreeing with an ethics question & getting the response “yes but in America this is what we do”
“Wow Jordan is so developed!”
Implying I got into med school just because I’m “diverse”
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