✔Middle class; sees money as a finite resource.

✔Rich People; sees money as an infinite resource.


The masses believes that there's a limited amount of money, and that they need to struggle and fight to get their share.

They live in a world of fear and scarcity that's says that money is hard to make and hard to keep.
They've been programmed to have negative and limiting relationship with money.

This thinking guarantees that they would never accumulate more than a modest worth.

The Rich however understands that money flows From ideas and that ideas are limitless, money is limitless.
They direct their metal energy towards grabbing as much money to fuel their passion and building generational wealth.

The Rich use money to fuel their passions and brings their dreams to life.

The True Rich people aren't afraid to give as they know money is in infinite supply.
They know how to create with their minds.

They live in a world of unlimited abundance.

If they can do it, why not you?
"Every person who gets rich by creation opens a way for thousands to follow - and inspires them to do so".

- Wallace wattles
Kindly retweet so others can benefit.

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