It has been a stressful day and I want to document this whole thing here, for people who support me, those who dont, young journalists, and any actual human rights and press rights campaigners out there. THREAD
@mmfd_Pak @cybercrimefia @OmarWaraich @amnesty @RSF_en
Today at around 2PM i got a call from someone claiming to be a Sub Inspector at FIA. He asked me my name and then told me that "you need to appear in Islamabad for verification"
I said what kind of 'verification'.
He said he can only tell that once i am in front of him in Isb.
I still did not understand.
"Has there been any case filed against me?" I asked.
Yes, he said.
What is the case, i asked.
He said he could not tell me over the phone and I must appear in Islamabad.
I said I am not going to appear anywhere on a random phone call.
He said that then he will send me a legal summons and i will be forced to go to Islamabad for the case.
"Will i be reimbursed for my travel expenses," i said.
He said no.
What if i prove that the case against me is frivolous? I asked
Still no, he said.
Now he had my attention.
So this person who claimed to be from FIA was threatening me with the power of the state behind him, was refusing to tell me what the case against me was, and he was ordering me to travel 1400 kilometers to Islamabad without a single shred of paper, at my own expense that wont be
reimbursed even if i am innocent and i win the case.
None of this sounds legal.
Yet when i talked to @mmfd_Pak later, they told me this is exactly how FIA harasses journalists that they think are weak.
Anyway, back to the phone conversation.
I told this Sub Inspector guy that i have been a journalist for ten years and that i know the law and my rights. Either he tell me what the case against me was or i hang up.
He reluctantly told me that @ShabahatAShah had filed a case in FIA about a story that i had done.
This is the story i had done about @ShabahatAShah around a month ago:
And this story contains this part that @ShabahatAShah did not like and had asked me to remove earlier over WhatsApp. I didn't, because i was 100% honest in what i wrote.
Anyway, i told the alleged FIA sub inspector to email me a letter on FIA letterhead or something, till then his word is as good at BISP scammers who call me claiming to represent that department. He said ok.
I have not received anything by email or by post.
This is how FIA treats journalists. I am not even some random blogger. My official designation is Senior Head of Digital Content at Business Recorder. Despite how i act here, i take my job very seriously and am very thorough when i investigate something or allow others to write
On my watch.
The story i did, i stand 100% behind it. It is astounding that someone in the government would file such a complain against a journalist and use the highly prestigious institution like the FIA whose head is the most respected bureaucrat in the country.
This man us behaving like a mobster.
How could the head of NITB think he could harass journalists like this, and that too against someone who has written something he knows is true. Our PM who is the target of dozens of fake stories daily still has never gone to the FIA.
Anyway. This person has the support of @AliHZaidiPTI who was instrumental in his appointment as CEO of NITB.
According to journalist @arsched, @ShabahatAShah @AliHZaidiPTI had tried to sell a $70m project to KPT when actual cost was $15m. (Ref:
Because @taidrus was appointed head of Digital Pakistan, Shabahat lost a lot of opportunity of getting and outsourcing "digitization" projects. This is the main reason behind the rift of the two.
Anyway. I got called by the FIA because i have been and still am investigating a lot
Of this. I have also been tweeting about @AliHZaidiPTI and his performance in the government.
This is not about just one story. This is about many stories of projects worth millions of dollars. And this will play out if we are nor vigilant.
Today FIA has called me and I will go
If forced by law. But i am not going to stop. I have all proofs and all screenshots of my exchanges. I document most things. I am going to put all my research in an encrypted file that i will give to someone for insurance in case something happens to me or if my devices
are confiscated.
I am not going to bow down in face of this mafia-like harassment and intimidation. I am going to make sure everyone knows what you are up to. Get the whole FIA or anyone and put me in jail.
Thank you if you support, its fine if you don't.
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