Little thread on why you want to delay getting sick from #COVID as long as possible or hopefully never.

#1. A vaccine is in the works. We don't know how well it will work and it will need to be tested. Science is messy and takes time. 1/x
A doctor mentor once told me: "Don't use any of the new drugs for six months. Let all the other doctors kill their patients first." Wise words.

You don't want to be the first to rush and get the vaccine. Make sure we know the risks and how well it works. 2/x
#2. Treatments are evolving. This is from an email from an emergency medicine friend.
FYI - oxy = oxygen
70s refers to oxygen levels. 70s is very bad and usually buys you an intubation. Normal is high 90s.
Tachypneic = breathing really fast 3/x
As I said, science is messy. It takes time to learn stuff. You don't want to be the first patient we learn with.
Referring back to my friend's email. Notice how she said, "I feel safe at work for the most part." She is in a very well staffed/funded hospital. Most hospitals aren't at that level.

So reason #3 - we don't want the health care workers getting ill. Someone has to work! 5/x
Finally, #4. We do not know the long term issues with COVID. My neurologist friend says she is seeing many. Having O2Sats in the 70's for prolonged periods plus the clotting issues isn't good for a tender brain. 6/x
So folks, we need to step back, keep trying to do the best we know, and let the science happen. Meanwhile, stay safe, #WearADamnMask, wash your hands, and let's all give each other a little grace.
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