3 Common Online Business Mistakes

Here are 3 things I’ve noticed with members inside my private community

1. Copy is too long

- Too many words
- Too many long sentences

You want to get rid of excess words that aren’t necessary to deliver your point.
You also want to use a good mix of short, medium and long sentences

This is how you make your writing “flow”

2. Copy isn’t specific

A lot of people write in a way that’s vague

It leaves the reader unsure of the point you’re trying to make

Don’t make them guess
The most effective “trick” I’ve found to writing with specificity is to pretend you’re describing a movie scene

Describe the characters

Describe what’s happening

Explain what they’re going through

Your reader should think “Yes — I’ve totally seen/experienced that”
3. Start with the MVP

MVP = Minimum Viable Product

This could be a landing page, a lead magnet, a sales page, an offer for clients, etc

A lot of people “over build”

Instead, ask: “What’s the absolute minimum I need to do to get this DONE?”

I’ve done this with my ebooks
Otherwise, you can get stuck in development hell

Your book is unfinished

Your copy goes through endless rewrites

You try to offer your clients too many things

Get in the habit of creating and SHIPPING — fast

Done is better than perfect

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