pay attention. #bobmorley #thetruth #thefacts
two weeks before statement.
talks about putting a song out. talks about worrying about never finding that love/connection again. strange thing to say about your abuser mm?
a week before the statement. caught talking like this about #bobmorley, calls him a cunt. quotes a hate accounts thread. says he said he would never be enough for her when the statement says it was her who never be enough. cross reference it.
she is laughing at ex misfortune. claims to have inside knowledge that was refuted by someone who works on the show. does not appear scared even a small amount.
notice in her first statement she claims bob is her only abusive ex she is speaking about. pay attention to her words here, she says she continuously dates psychopaths.
before putting out her official written statement she went on twitch and spoke in a rehearsed statement about the abuse she got from fans, denying all wrongdoing. she claims to be scared of him in that video too, a huge contrast to the streams where she acts the bully.
now lets take a look at the twitter statement shall we.
she makes claims she was isolated and gaslighted away from her family a friends. here are some evidence to refute this claim.
sound very isolated mm?
she claims that she caught them on cameras. cameras "accidentally as not to appear controlling" left on. this makes no sense. see she followed both #elizataylor and #bobmorley for months after the break up. see the dates for yourself friends.
7th march 2019 arryn commented on the women she had "caught"
this does not fit with her timeline. many things do not fit. the most detailed allegation is that of cheating. she says he demanded to keep the house, but in her stream she says he let her have the dogs because "he knew he fucked up". these statements together contradiction.
arryn claims she was never out and proud in her relationship with bob. these tweets say otherwise. some mentioned she never went to pride when with bob, notice she never went before she was with him either.
i don't think he had any issue with her being bisexual. nor do i believe that bob is a biphobe. arryn said herself she openly cheated on her ex with women. she was allowed to. it seems bob was not as ok with it as miles.
the largest most detailed part of the statement is not about abuse as you would think. but about bob and eliza. she says projections, she says he hated her. she says she was forced to be friends with her while liking all of her photos during and after.
she says he broke up with her on valentines day. this was to get into our heart strings. tweets may indicate it happened earlier. either way she did not spend 3 months in that house. another untruth.
for your consideration.
remember earlier i said she recited a hate accounts bullet points? here is her interacting with them. this whole thing is a projection of her feelings, of these peoples hatred. the very people who attacked bob and eliza the moment they got married.
this thread comes in light of the thread that appeared during the night. also for your consideration.
the part i believe. they were toxic together. the fans were at times abusive and treated the women in ways nobody deserves. it must hurt to have everything fans have said come true, no wonder she wants to punish fans. she hates them for being right.
fans were cruel to her. this is reflected in her statement both on the stream where she says he doesn't like his fans. in her twitter statement where she says he paid her to keep them away from him. photos from this event dispute this. this is revenge on the fans and on beliza.
believe he paid her to translate. use your heads to see he doesn't hate his fans (think he created a con to be closer to fans) he paid her to be kind because she was broke. she says this on her stream.
please be aware that bob and eliza have been turnt into villians so that she would no longer be the villian. nobody forced her to attack him on her stream just like she wasn't forced to be friends with eliza. she clearly had an interest in knowing her.
re the bowling video. the bowling strike was mentioned because the video was out there. the face bob made was about her crude shouting not her strike. this is a comment regarding the video, she copied elizas accent so well people couldn't tell who.
arryns first posts after the statement included a link for domestic violence, despite not experiencing violence at the hands of bob. this was inflammatory. it followed with pictures of herself taken at a photoshoot paid for by paid to help her feel good.
bob helped arryn feel better about herself as she details here. in her own words. a photographer spoke out saying how good he was with her. he posted a photo to verify (that we had not seen) i am currently not posting these but they have been around.
more to come. do not attack me. these are facts readily available for anyone who looks beyond a statement meant to save face and ruin a career. this is revenge.
on another note, she was an avid supporter of amber heard. feels relevant at this time to say amber held accusations against the very man she was abusing.
final considerations.
believe victims but also believe sometimes its a wolf in sheeps clothing, painting a moc as a villian.
bob and eliza lost a child. they have been battling mental health and helping eachother through it. death threats, telling them to kill themselves, saying they deserved there loss makes you pure evil. leaking there address, you are the same ones that abused arryn.
everytime bob and eliza appeared happy arryn came out with something bad about bob. recognise patterns.
arryn says in her statement bob let the fans send her hate. he did nothing to stop it. what could he do other than what he did? he blocked fans who bullied. and he tweeted how hurtful is was.
after all this if you really believe that statement came with pure intentions and not as a pr stunt/revenge then i do not know what i can tell you. willful blindness.
for your consideration.
more is about to come. if anyone has anything to add my dms are open.
part two. thanks friend.
keep cross referencing the statement. here is the real reason why she deleted her youtube channel. another untruth.
the statement says she gave up fighting for the house because fans found out. they did not find out. she told them when she posted it attached to her name.
this was posted in 2018. not something you post if with a biphobe/homophobe mm?
still interacting with his family. the ig post is from april 2019.
remember she says she was isolated from friends and family. says she stopped singing. these posts are her parents coming to see them, bob going to see her family and her showcasing piano to sing with all while together. another untruth.
so they broke up on valentines day yes? thats what the statement says. lets look at this. i wonder when its from?
according to this. arryn was bowling with people on valentines day. so she was not with bob mm? you see the date?
this is the day i believe the actual break up happened. much less cruel than valentines day. see when the comfort comes from father the day after?
remember she says he just let it happen. what else could he do?
proof to earlier tweet. she went out of town when bob was injured and at his most helpless. this is not an act of a devoted girlfriend being manipulated and isolated.
singing. friends. boyfriend. job. parents. travelling. money. happiest she has ever been. cross referencing the statements yes? tick tick tick. untruths.
think for you not for the crowd. do we wish our abusers come back? this is early 2019 i believe.
cross reference friends.
there is more to come. short break. dms are open. keep sharing. #bobmorley #elizataylor #istandwithetruth
do not send hate.
biphobic and homophobic hm? more evidence that backs that this was a fantasy created by hate accounts. she needed validation and they gave it spite the people they hate for getting married. look at everything. those people always hated. the evidence says what we need to know.
this link should work. start at 20.40. does this sound like it discussed beforehand? truth manipulation. being accepting is not the same as finding it hot. will link the part of the statement this references.
this part of the statement.
beforehand? not wanting to be cheated on, counting cheating with a woman as cheating is not homophobic or biphobia.
spent christmas with family. isolated mm?
best friend only just unfollowed? if isolated would you not unfollow before this?
addressing this video that has been floating online. notice he was happy for her strike? he only pulled face at loud crude shouting of suck my .... twice! look at his face before that. open and happy for her.
more to come. thank you everyone. i have not tagged her in this to avoid inciting hate. enough is enough.
but pay attention. when they can no longer control you they will try and control the way you are viewed.
her mom only just unfollowed bob. would you continue following the man who isolated your child over a year after they parted ways? think.
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