#OnThisDay 6 years ago a Malaysian flight #MH17 carrying 298 people was destroyed over E. Ukraine

Coup regime in Kiev kept the sky over the active military conflict open, even though by June 17th 12 Ukrainian military planes were shot down by handheld rocket launchers
Ukrainian military planes were shot down, because they bombed civilians, who didn’t accept the coup regime in Kiev, which closed the sky over Crimea, even though no planes were shot down there.

Later Kiev claimed that it had no working radars on the day #MH17 went down.
Ukraine was making $200 million per year allowing foreign planes to cross its airspace:

Even before Malaysia had all the facts about #MH17 crash, Ukrainian Gerashenko posted on FB
- Flight number
- Altitude
- Declared number of passengers
- Destination
- Responsible party
- Weapon used
- Entity that provided the weapon
Soon after a Ukrainian official posted the above info about #MH17 on Facebook, Malaysian Airlines made their 1st, less informative public announcement on social media:
Comparing with previous 3 days, #MH17’ path was adjusted to the North, sending the Boeing into a war zone.

Prior to its demise, MH17 was led by Polish, then Ukrainian flight controllers.

The last flight controller leading #MH17 was Anna Petrenko - a Ukrainian working at Dnipro center, controlled by Israeli-Cyprus-Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky, who founded & financed neo-Nazi battalions.

After MH17 crash Anna Petrenko went on vacation & never returned.
Neither 6-year-long investigation into #MH17 , nor currently unfolding court in Hague showed any interest in taking statements from flight controllers, leading MH17.

Usually, any investigation into a plane crash STARTS with interrogation of flight controllers...
Numerous witnesses on the ground pointed at a presence of Ukrainian military jets near #MH17

Kiev declared that all military jets stayed on the ground that day

All witnesses’ testimonies pointing at presence of Ukrainian military jets were dismissed.
Kiev also declared that there were no Ukrainian Buks in conflict area.
A day prior to #MH17 crash Ukrainian tv showed a working Buk in war zone (Starting at 4:45)
Russia declared that the last section of #MH17 route fell into the zone of two Ukrainian S-200 batteries and three Buk-M1 batteries.

Later, Russian MoD presented satellite images of Ukrainian Buks & asked them to be inspected.

No inspection of Ukrainian Buks ever took place.
Kerry declared: “We observed from imagery a missile launch” (From the rebel-controlled territory) (At 1:16)

No such imagery, or any other hard proof of #MH17 being shot down by the rebels, or Russia, has never been published.
The day after #MH17 went down, the crash site was swarmed with Western journalists.
State Emergency Service of Ukraine started to collect the bodies, putting them in body bags.

They were ordered by shortly arrived 30 representatives of OSCE to revert their work & leave.
Obeying OSCE orders, rebels waited for experts
MSM wrote about abandoned bodies laying under the scorching sun & about local marauders
Locals, barely missed by a falling plane, had dead bodies in their backyards. One naked body fell through the roof on a bed.

Nobody touched them
Nobody, except for summer heat, insects &... stray dogs.

On a 3rd day locals decided to collect the bodies against OSCE’ order while there were still something to collect.
Bodies of #MH17 victims were placed into refrigerated train.

Experts arrived on August 2nd (15 days after)
The @watchdogmediai did an excellent job providing a factual story of post- #MH17 events by following a timeline with raw footage from all available sources (Thread):

https://twitter.com/watchdogmediai/status/1284265117807345665?s=21 https://twitter.com/watchdogmediai/status/1284265117807345665
You can follow @VeraVanHorne.
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