There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding nuclear families. Historically, yes, they were promoted over extended families in a capitalist, individualist society. And yes, the extended family is the more traditional type of family. However, without the nuclear family, there
is no extended family. How did grandparents become grandparents after all?
As Catholics, if you’re going to advocate against the nuclear family in favor of extended family structures, please be wary that our society even lacks the basic structure of the nuclear family. 23% of
children live in single parent households. Currently our society is advocating against even the nuclear family in favor of SINGLE parent and same sex parent households. My father for example, was not raised in even a nuclear family situation, raised by a single mom and passed
between foster families. That is not a stable family environment for kids to be raised in.
Society wants to break apart the family, and counter-signaling against that during this time is dangerous since people can get the wrong idea. Society doesn’t want extended families.
There is a societal push to further atomize people beyond the nuclear family into signal-parent households, or distorted versions of the family (gay couples). In order to even have the extended family, the nuclear family, a married man and woman, with children, must be advocated
from being dismantled.
A nuclear family is the BARE minimum to have a functioning society. The woke don’t even want that.
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