I’m going through a scary situation with my ex. I want y’all to know id NEVER kill myself. If I end up dead it’ll be at the hands of my ex Kyle L/M. He’s been stalking me, slashing my tires, seriously harassing me and the police will do nothing until he touches me. I’m scared.
Idk if I just turn men crazy or what but this one is different. I have begged him to leave me alone and he just cannot do it. He finds a way to scare me. Last night I know he was at my house. Two night ago he was in my car while I was at a friends. I can’t prove this though.
For instance. Two nights ago he asked where I was. I lied because I didn’t want him to know where I was. I said I was at home in the shower. I was actually at a friends. Then I got this. THAT IS MY CAR OUTSIDE OF MY FRIENDS HOUSE. He was stalking me.
He called me 100 times at LEAST. When I left in the morning, my tires were slashed. He’s denying it was him. 🙃 this is the fifth time he has followed me somewhere or just shown up when he thinks I’m lying. WE ARENT TOGETHER. This is insane!
He threatened suicide last night, told me he had a gun and was gonna do it. I called the police. After an hour they got ahold of him and he told them I was high on cocaine and was crazy. He continued to threaten suicide to me. I turned off iMessage and he called me 22 times.
This morning I found some of my stuff that he had on my GATED property. He was in my yard last night! He could have been watching me sleep for all I know. He probably tried his key to get inside but thank GOD I changed my locks yesterday!
The worst part is all the evidence I have is circumstantial! So the police can’t do anything about this. He knows where my yard cameras are and ducked them last night. I’ll be setting up more AND a dash cam on my car. I’m fucking livid and terrified.
Here is another text and picture he sent me the other night.
Just gonna drop this here
An update from his mom who has been nothing but awesome through this. She wasn’t surprised by his behavior which freaks me out even more. She lives in Denver though so she’s at a loss.
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