A thread on rejection and burnout. Many people tweet about their highs and not the lows. I figured, after a small low yesterday these past few days, I'd post this thread in the hopes that it'll help some, especially since today makes 2 wks until I announce the #PBChat mentees pt1
Yesterday, I booked my first national voiceover spot for a major brand & then lost the job. Casting fought for me but client decided they wanted other guy. It happens. My lil bro has had CLOSE calls for life-changing roles, opp. acting giants, that would've seen him starring pt2
in huge blockbusters you've likely seen of will see. Only for us to receive the "do not pass go, do not collect $200" card. So how do we keep at it & how can this help you? For him: he doesn't care. He thinks by auditioning in the room he already has the part and pt3
the audition was him filming his role for the project hahaha. He goes with the flow. He plays with his toys on the train. He makes friends at auditions. We sometimes go out for dinner. He might get a reward upon day's end. For him, it's the experience not the end result. pt4
And the next day he has fun telling his school nurse (his biggest fan), teacher, and principal about it. Ahh, to be carefree and a kid. There's a lot to be learned from children, seriously.

Consider viewing rejection as redirection. pt5
"Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better." Dr. Steve Maraboli. When you're being redirected consistently, it's easy to burn out. Sometimes you might not even recognize it. You need to learn what the pt6
signs are for you as an individual. For me, I start growing a salty, bitter, more irritable. I'm fighting through the creative process. I'm starting but not finishing projects. And I find social media tiring. That's when it's time to unplug, could be a day, a week, or pt7
longer. When you get there, it helps to have people and things in place who/that you can turn to. What are your hobbies? You need to refuel the well. I took up beekeeping. Sometimes I draw, do woodwork, dive into Netflix, read, spend more time working out. pt8
What can you turn to that will allow you to work through redirection &/or burnout? Have a support group. People you can turn to. Could be your family, friends, creative buddies, etc. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I prefer to work solo & pt9
carry out tasks on my own. But some of the biggest strides I've taken in my career have been after a redirection when I'm on the cusp of burning out. When I realize, I can't keep going at this like this and I ask for help. Some have asked how I keep so many plates spinning pt10
at once, & "successfully". "Success" is a loaded term. What you see as successful I might see as me "failing." No condescention. For each of us, the idea/illusion of success varies. Perception contrbutes to burnout. All those "spinning plates" are @ diff. phases in terms of pt11
skill level and career "success". I bounce back and forth between them because of that. What can help you do that is having short term and long term SMART (specific measurable attainable relevant time-based) goals for each and a plan of action. A timeline & 'to do' list. pt12
When I'm burning out with one, I'll put more focus into one so I can refuel for the others. But what remains consistent is I'm always working on my craft for at least one of those "spinning plates". Could be a mentorship, webinars, workshops, classes, etc. pt13
And trying to take risks and stretch myself. Try to learn new things about you, your craft, your process, your stories, etc. The process is also about play, maybe it's time to switch things up - that can also help reduce some of the pressure you might be putting on yourself. pt14
Have a mantra/affirmation you can recite to yourself. Post it where you need to. Look at it everyday. Recognize that whatever you were redirected away from wasn't meant for you (easier said than done, IK). You're being redirected toward what IS yours. There's no ONE way pt15
The way that didn't work out was just one way, it wasn't THE way. Another quote: "Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." Winston Churchill.

In other words: PERSISTENCE. To me, that is one of the key ingredients to success. pt16
And here's one of my secret ingredients for combatting the negative internal inner critic (which I'm writing a pb about). I like to listen to those motivational recordings on Youtube. Could be Gospel, boot camp, meditation type. They can help shift your mindset and approach. pt17
"Remember why you started." Do those goals, dreams, plans, feelings still resonate? Are they still burning inside of you? Find the joy in the process. And remember, you can move on from things (temporarily or permanently). pt17
In two weeks, 39 people will be #PBChat mentees. To those of you who won't be, don't give up if you're heart is there. Some of you were really close. But it comes down to who the mentors personally connected with and thought they'd be able to help best at this moment. pt18
Many mentors even wrote me to say they wish they could take on more mentees because the level of skill & the applications and stories themselves were top notch. This mentorship is only one way. It's not THE way. & if you're eligible again next year and want to apply, DO IT! pt19
Even if next year will be your third year applying. We might not make all the shots we take, but we miss all the ones we don't take.

Okay. This thread took a while. I'm signing off for now. I hope it helps! pt20
You can follow @JustinRColon.
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