Whew.. sometimes work really gets in the way, been a busy last few weeks but here is a quick thread on why I'm on team $RUNE @thorchain_org
First off, I recommend watching and sharing this interview which was published yesterday. @JWilliamsFstmed does a great job at discussing the most salient points with the @thorchain_org team. The team's vision is nothing short of revolutionary.

But here are my key reasons for why $Rune is poised to succeed:
1. Liquidity is king - I trade asset backed securities for a living i.e. not always liquid. A perfect example is the volatility back in March - there was no bid/ask on entire pools of assets. Always remember - your asset is only worth what someone is willing to pay!
2. Interoperability - Seamlessly moving between blockchains with minimal cost to the user or use of a centralized custodian is something of a holy grail. Bifrost and continuous liquidity pools (CLPs) help to achieve this
3. Incentive Structure - Token economics are of paramount importance and @thorchain_org delivers. Features such as slip-based liquidity fees and built-in arbitrage opportunities align incentives for different user types.
I can go on but those three reasons essentially cover why @thorchain_org is a bold, novel way of addressing the limitations of existing dex providers. Onto Testnet 4!
You can follow @RUNEshill.
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