If we survive this hateful regime, I see myself narrating the younger generation about how when Pandemic hit our country, our govt. was busy buying MLAs in MP and delayed lockdown.
How when we needed masks and ventilators, the govt convinced how muslims were spreading Corona.
How when Chinese took our land, our govt questioned our opposition and how govt hid from the whole country and sold our integrity.
How when Assam, Bihar all were hit with floods and lakhs of livelihoods were in danger, the govt. and media was busy licking a celebrity's feet.
And how when states in floods and the whole economy was drowning, the govt. was busy horse trading again.
And how we were all called anti-national for asking our own govt. to do WHAT IS RIGHT FOR THE NATION !
And while I write what I might do in future, the ruling party stooges who sold our country to first the Chinese Virus and then the Chinese taking over our land, these stooges were busy defending this anti-national regime.
And as I tweet, we cross the 1M count in Covid cases.
Also, when it was about elections, how LEDs could reach the remotest villages in Bihar but now when it was hit with floods, not even a news from there reached Delhi.
The ruling party fell to a level that it used Bihar regiment for Bihar elections.
Oh wait, amidst all this mess this regime brought us in, it was expecting us to be IMMUNE to everything happening around TO GIVE AN ONLINE EXAM TO HAVE MY DEGREE FOR WHICH I WORKED ALL THESE YEARS.
And this decision came from people with no real degrees.
My India in 2020.
Rant over!
Kbyethnx !
Your mindset shows your character. Cheapster.
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