I keep thinking about those racialists who critique the rational objectivism of the West. They are correct to be weary of the hyper rational mindset but ironically reject the mythological framework upon which that mindset is predicated, namely the divine status of the individual.
On the one hand, they claim to dislike the way the West allegedly approaches everything in a cold mechanical, measurement-based way (which isn’t true btw but whatever) but on the other hand they measure racial progress by counting the number of black executives in a company.
They also seem to know nothing about world history. Western consciousness which includes rationalism can be found in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Arabia, and Hebrew civilizations. And Greco-Roman history is not recounted in empirical terms, but story which they claim to love.
I have always insisted that Homer is The Godfather of modern Hip Hop and one day I will write an essay about this. But suffice it to say that one should not listen to the racialists because a)they are clearly confused and b) they know nothing about art or the West.
Anyhoo happy Friday! Go out and get drunk but do so in a socially distanced responsible way.
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