Screenshots from the AndrewLewisByr1 profile. Probably fake name and fake profile pic. Acc created in June 2020, bio originally said 'Andrew' lost both parents to covid-19 and loves blue cheese.
'Andrew' tweets about how he needs money for rent. He responds to political accounts with high levels of engagement to get attention. His Paypal url references 'rent'
July 1st, 'Andrew' sadly loses his job and asks for donations via Paypal
July 2nd, 'Andrew' uses a Mental Health hashtag to ask for donations. When offered excellent advice on his rental situation, the rent suddenly becomes a mortgage
July 3rd- 'Andrew' discloses he's lost all his savings because he had to spend it on solicitors
July 8th- 'Andrew' says he has suicidal thoughts and asks for £40 to pay for car insurance.
July 9th - The story takes a wild turn as 'Andrew' discovers he was adopted. He mentions putting his car up for sale but no car ad appears. Also, his solicitor has gone into administration.
July 11th - another request for donations because the gas and electricity has allegedly run out
July 14th - Woohoo 'Andrew' gets a new job! But later in the day, a convict allegedly smashes his car to bits.
I did a reverse image search on the web for the photos linked to the 'Andrew' account because the story is frankly wild and got a match 🥳 the person behind the 'Andrew' account stole the image of the car from someone who actually had his car vandalised in June
'Andrew' said he couldn't find the required documents for the GoFundMe page (photo ID or paper/electronic bank statement). The beneficiary of the £40 kindly donated is named as Chrissie Aldridge
You can follow @Megan16019341.
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