New report out from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, about autism. Quick highlights:

"It is recognised now that most autistic people are adult, do not have an intellectual disability and are likely to be undiagnosed"
It notes, "...autism as one element in the range of neurodiversity, an innate difference rather than a deficit; the difference becoming prominent in an alien, socially complex world attuned to neurotypical normality; here, it is better expressed by the term ‘condition’.." /
And, in terms of criminality, good to see "Most autistic people are law-abiding...and there is no real evidence to suggest that they are more likely to offend than others. "/
Also, some good wording here, reflecting the need to consider cultural and communication factors in our wonderfully diverse autistic population, and centring care and support around a person who need it - rather than squashing them into a system that may break them further/
...& here, discussing the need to have an autism-friendly placement for those who need to be in a Psychiatric setting for a while. Environmental and autism-friendly social factors are at the heart of success. Properly person-centred, with regular good staff training on autism/
There's some wording in the report that it a bit surprising, also. I won't delve into it for this thread - day's work ahead. But I am thankful to autistic colleagues who helped steer the @rcpsych through as much of this as they could manage.
Getting this right is vital.
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