My son WALKED to the Kindergarten.

If you "need" to drive your kids by car, your city ist probably not a good place for them.

YOU can change that.
How was your commute by car?
This was ours 👇

Pro tip 1: Keep interesting stuff in your pocket to keep your kid going. Stones are perfect for one year old kids.
Pro-tip 2: Kids are not made of sugar. Make them love the rain, the snow, the wind and the mud. Thus they will always be able to walk. Clothes are the only protection needed.
Pro-tip 3: get your kids* a safe place at a window. Make them watch the street. Let them see their friends walking and cycling. Watching, waving, talking to other people is a kind of respect and makes a place feel safer.

*same applies for grandparents.
Pro-tip 4: Listen to your kids. If they feel unsafe crossing a busy street, advocate for more safety.
I like kids. You like kids. Everybody likes kids! Tell the newspaper their story, make their needs publicly heard.
Pro-tip 5: Kids get exhausted faster. Find places to rest for them and include them into your daily trips. If there aren't any, make some up yourself. A piece of wood placed somewhere will work perfectly fine for them.
Pro-tip 6: ICECREAM!
If your kids walk a lot, some sugar won't hurt them. There are great places with ice cream. A drive-in ain't one.
Pro-tip 7: Keep it dirty and wild. Nature will produce lots of stuff to play with on your trips. Kids love to explore everything that's wild and dirty.
Pro-tip 8: Let live bloom. Kids like collecting Flowers. If you have a lawn, try not to mow it. Even better: put some shrubs where the grass has been. The more species there will live, the better. Kids will find and live them all.
Bonus-tip: You're super-male? You like competition? You want wo show your neighbor what a cool guy you are?


Gardening is a great way of competition. Find a boring green space in your street and make it nicer. Tell your neighbor. See who's got the greens thumb. đź‘Ť
Pro-tip 9: Give them a break but don't let them get too comfortable. If they can walk, they should walk. You're only their assistant, there to give them just as much advice and help, to make them find their own way.
Pro-tip 10: Earn a smile.
You see a kid, that wants to cross a street or needs some space? Stop your car or bike and let them pass. Thank you.
Pro-tip 11: If your kid is too small for a walk on its own, let her be part of a gang. Let the bigger kids take some responsibility and watch after them. Let them walk to the neighbors first and slowly extend
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