Okay Victoria, let’s talk. 428 cases today and we’re going into the weekend. I know we’ve been doing a good job, but we need to keep improving. Some thoughts...
1. This weekend, do I really need to head out to Bunnings, K-Mart etc? Is it essential? Will I die if I don’t go? /1
2. Do I need to go for that 3rd walk of the day? Yes, exercise is essential, but where does the line sit between essential and frivolous?
3. Am I still adhering to good hygiene? Cough etiquette? What about wearing a mask in public? /2
4. When I am wearing a mask, am I wearing it properly? Hand hygiene before and after putting on/taking off the mask? Am I avoiding touching the mask in between? Is it covering my nose and mouth? /3
5. Do I understand that COVID-19 is not a disease of the old? Anyone can get infected and end up in hospital? Do I understand that even if I’m a healthy 30yo, I could end up on a ventilator - fighting for life? Quit the hubris!
6. Do I understand the long-standing damage of COVID illness on health? Do I understand that I might avoid hospital now but what about in the future when I’m older and frailer?
7. Am I advocating & keeping others safe? Calling out bad behaviour?

We need to act! Spread the word!
And just to expand upon Point #6. We know that COVID-19 can leave permanent damage to the lungs. We can compensate when we're young, but when we get old & have other chronic diseases this will result in hospitalisation after hospitalisation - each potentially more dire than last.
A good point from @drckarcher (a learned ICU doc) - please stop using gloves inappropriately. You cannot contract COVID through skin absorption and inappropriate glove use simply encourages poor adherence to what counts - physical distancing, good hand hygiene etc
And a point for numbers over the weekend - there may very well be a decrease in the #COVID19Vic counts today...don’t take that as a reason to abandon all the good work. Numbers fluctuate, but the trend is still increasing overall. See the bigger picture!
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