I’ve said it a thousand times and I’m sure I’ll have to say it a thousand more.

I don’t like Trump. I’ve never liked Trump. I don’t work for him. I didn’t vote for him.

I’m just sick and tired of being lied to by a bunch of people who can’t see straight because they hate him. https://twitter.com/Popehat/status/1283899016757964801
If you think that the only reason people like me find ourselves defending Trump is because we’re some kind of sycophants you should try spending more than five fucking seconds outside of your stupid fucking #Resistance party.
And believe me, in this environment - you know, outside of twitter, in the real world - it’s a shitton harder to man this side of the fence than give in to those sweet, sweet resistance grifter bucks like the frauds at @ProjectLincoln are doing.

That’s the easy way out.
I’ve written about this - repeatedly - for outlets both mainstream and conservative.

But these fucking people can’t see the world as more complex than enemies and allies.

They share every quality they pillary Trump for. It’s repugnant.
And for whatever it’s worth, the people in my DMs full of piss and vinegar and hate, no matter what I do or so, are always - ALWAYS - the resistance lunatics with their COEXIST bumpersticket Twitter handles and their wrong-side-of-history self-flattering bullshit.
You can follow @DrewHolden360.
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