Make County Government A Thing in Pennsylvania
Counties “can’t afford” this stuff because thousands of tiny no-capacity local governments are siphoning off all the tax money that should just be going straight to County government
You gotta think of all these tiny governments as basically like Business Improvement Districts. Fine for like a few areas, but once you have like 120 of them all mashed up next to each other? Maybe just have a real government then
Philly has lots of places with distinctive cultural identities even though we have a county-wide tax base to pay for things. We don’t make Fishtown or Grays Ferry be completely fiscally self-sufficient because that would be idiotic. And yet it’s how all the rest of PA does it
Power up regional governance
This is where PA needs to Make County Government a Thing and make counties be the backstop for this stuff. Some local gov wants to dissolve their local PD and mooch off of a higher government for coverage? That should be the county’s issue to deal with
Honey Brook, PA (pop. 1,760) is a perfect example of a place that should not have municipal control over zoning. It’s fully surrounded by another municipality, Honey Brook Township, which itself has less than 8,000 people and shouldn’t have zoning powers either
The next #PAGov needs to Make County Government a Thing if we want to achieve fair housing and a fair distribution of school resources
Only interested in hearing from #PAGov candidates for 2022 who want to Make County Government a Thing
One underrated reason to Make County Government a Thing in PA is to create county GIS units to put all the zoning maps online. Today you have to go in-person to like hundreds of different towns’ offices to find out this info
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