A thread to the #Berners.

The Green Party will give you every Policy you want, but it can not defeat Trump & the GOP.
Step 1: Vote out Trump, Make #MAGA, the #whitenationalists, #proudboys, #AndyNgo, Mitch McConnel, #AlexJones, the #fascists, the #Karen’s, #AltRight & conservatives etc cry.
Step 2: Go at Biden hard. Hold him accountable like the left has been incapable of doing to Trump for the past 4 years because Trump will absolutely not hear or listen to the protesters, #Antifa, & #BLM at all.
In fact Trump wants to imprison protesters and sends the military & police at the “ #radicalLeft and the “Marxists.”
Step3: Electoral politics is not enough.
The people must mount a pressure campaign.
Online and in the streets. Protest. Create the biggest movement ever.
Unite with anarchists, socialists, 🌹’s, liberals, AnCons, BLM, Antifa, leftists, animal rights activists, climate change activists, & Antiwar protesters to pressure Joe & the Dems.
People can not go back to sleep.
Bernie woke a nation. Don’t waste it.

Step 4: Protest & pressure all the progressives & 🌹’s in office from AOC, Ilhan, Tulsi, Rashida, Ayanna, Warren, Bernie, Khanna, Lee, Jayapal etc from their seats to pressure Joe.
Step 5: Concentrate on educating others about down ballot races in 2020 and 2022 to add allies to the already existing progressives & 🌹’s in both House & Senate before the 2024 election.
2. David does an excellent job at explaining.
Bernie Sanders reacts to concerns over Joe Biden from the Left.
Wall Street firm assumes the Left will go back to sleep.

“When Joe Biden wins I worry some lefties will spend more time gloating over how terrible he is rather than bullying him, which is step 2 of The Plan. To those asking: you bully him by voting progressives in during midterms, attending protests, writing letters, civil disobedience
Move liberals left. Do to the Democrats what the Tea Party did to Republicans. Biden is weak and committee-driven, not principled BLM has been a progressive wedge with incredible success,
Americans have moved way left on race/police issues compared to 2015. Cultural touchstones like this can be super effective in shifting the Overton window towards us.”

From @vaushv
👉 https://twitter.com/VaushV/status/1281631578993553408?s=20

Many of you will attack this idea.
Many will freak out and start cancel culturing.
This just divides the left further.
This is what Bernie wants.
And we all know this.

Do with this what you will.

Don’t choose your fighter.
Choose who your fight.

There’s 4 months.

Think about it.
@trevken what do you think about this post?
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