A quick guide to how cancel culture works. (From someone who's been to this rodeo many times.)

It begins with a quest for power. Someone stands in your way because they make persuasive statements that you fear other people will take to heart. So what happens to Mr. Target?
First, you look into all of Mr. Target's social media. Find anything he has said or written, which can be clipped out of context and made to look severe.
Your goal at this early stage is to force Mr. Target to respond with: (1) an apology and recantation or (2) a self-defense that will escalate and make things worse. Mr. Target will be fired either way, but it's easier for you if you can get #1 without the added hassle of #2.
If Mr. Target responds, you immediately send out people to hound anyone who publicly agreed with Mr. Target's offensive view, to make them publicly regret having sided with Mr. Target. You want Mr. Target's relationships to them to be broken off over feelings of betrayal.
That's if he apologizes. If he defends himself, find lots of people working with anonymous accounts to message him publicly and privately, baiting him to respond with something that can be even more pejorative.
You MUST use these fake troll accounts to do this, because you want to risk none of your high-asset allies on trolling, but you want the response to come publicly from Mr. Target so he is damaged by what he says. The trolls need to needle, harass, mock, and bait him.
One way is to pose lots of leading and manipulative questions to Mr. Target, which should start with "are you saying" and then some absurd parallel to what he orginally said. If he won't answer, keep posting and asking why he won't answer.
Whatever Mr. Target says in response can be used against him. Cut and copy each of his responses and brainstorm a way that they can be construed as white supremacist or in any way problematic. If he said, "I agree that racism is a problem", then send that to his coworkers--
--and say "why does your coworker accuse you of being racist? Look, he must be talking about you." Get everyone at his job to feel angry about the hassle his presence has caused them. Go through social media and see if you can "befriend" someone at his workplace.
If you make contact with someone at his job, coach them to file a complaint using any system that allows for anonymity. Draft a statement that involves some version of "I don't feel comfortable or safe" with Mr. Target on staff. Put in as many statistics as possible.
If Mr. Target's bosses stand by him, then now you move to Phase 2: Targeting his company. Use quotations from all the documents you've amassed until now, and start bombarding the net with bad comments about the company for having him there and doing nothing despite complaints.
If the company opens an investigation, now point out in every post about Mr. Target that he's under investigation. Monitor him to see if he says or does anything that can count as retaliation, like revealing the name of the complainant.
If the company finds him guilty and fire him, now thank the company but make clear that their action is "not enough," and they should show their commitment by taking further action, such as investigating Mr. Target's friends who are still on staff. Get them to denounce him.
If the company investigates and finds no evidence, coach the complainant to go public with how the company is not taking their safety seriously. Find other anonymous accounts and "speak out" so you can raise the tally of people complaining Mr. Target harmed them.
If the company still stands behind him, move to Phase 2 (mentioned earlier). Make sure to flood yelp and other sites with negative reviews. If necessary coach someone to go to the business and get receipts of some negative treatment. Look into filing complaints with govt.
While you are in Phase 2, send as many tips to local press as you possibly can. Draft press releases that provide copy to reporters that they can drop in, such as quotations clipped from the problematic things Mr. Target said.
If you are doing good work, a local reporter will publish a story like "employee of ---- draws fire for offensive comments, victims speak out." This will keep the pressure for days and months going forward.
If the company still refuses to take further action, then you move on to Phase 3. This is where you "expand the network of accountability." You now go after anyone who is doing business with the company. You also move into demanding statements from Mr. Target's friends & family.
Attack anyone who will run the company's ads or sell the company's products. Go and see who has been posting on social media about doing business with the company, and attack those people if they refuse to stop doing business with the company. Attack anyone who defends the firm.
While in Phase 3, you should also track down where else Mr. Target has worked and write to those companies warning not to hire him back. If Mr. Target takes down LinkedIn, use Wayback to see if you can retrace his work history. Write to companies in his field warning about him.
Make sure to have lots of allies ready who have anonymous social media accounts. Have them track down who's friends or related to Mr. Target, and start hounding them to make a statement against him. If someone breaks down and under pressure and says "I disagree with Target on..."
Make sure to state on social media that people close to him have "distanced themselves" or "cut ties" or "pushed back." Your goal here is to make sure that Mr. Target is completely isolated.
When you have stripped Mr. Target of his job, family, friends, reputation, and career, why not find out if he goes to church? Start writing to the church, asking that the elders address what he's done.
If the church will not discipline him or banish him, now you can go to Phase #4, where you attack any institution that is still refusing to disown Mr. Target. This takes some work, but hone your social media skills to state that their support of him endangers someone's safety.
Once Mr. Target has suffered maximum humiliation, now go generously on his social media accounts to gloat, insult him, and search for ways to keep the mobbing going. The longer you can escalate this case with more spinoffs, the better for you.
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