The police came, advised me to lock my doors and call 999 if he shows up again. Neither knew what Doxing is, that it is a crime, or what livestreaming is. It would appear that no further action is being taken, I have to wait for him to harm me again before they will take action.
To those offering to call my local police department, That would give away my location publicly and invite more harm. That would just turn my many online stalkers into IRL ones.
It honestly feels as though there is nothing to be done.
The officers who came also asked why I didn't just quit making content. We all get stalkers. The problem is not content creators it's stalkers.
I was thinking SURE I'll just quit and take up telesales or work in a nursery. That'll work with Tourettes. 🤷
People keep asking why I don't have a gun. I have sporadic severe, motor tics, I can't be trusted with a hot cup of coffee let alone a gun. Guns are not as easy to get in the UK, people have them but it's rarer. If my stalker could get a gun easily, I would already be dead.
People ask why I can't move. Finding a place to rent is hard when you have animals. Few places will take me. I care for my mum and need to live near her. My town is small enough that he'd be able to spot me and follow me home while shopping. Moving takes months, doxing seconds.
People ask why I won't get a dog. My answer is that I feel that we are responsible for our pet's safety. If you buy a pet to put them between you and danger, you shouldn't have one. I'm responsible for my safety, and anyone dependent on me, including my pets.
people ask why I don't get a restraining order. He started stalking, chasing, assaulting, because he doesn't respect the law, why would a piece of paper stop him? He has been charged with stalking but wasn't put away.
I want to fix this for all of us, not just me. ALL of the streamers and youtubers I talk to have experienced online harassment. Many had their families and children threatened, And the police did nothing. Twitch, yt, and the police are failing us.
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