The BJP currently faces the biggest dilemma that has confronted Indian politics. Thread.

I came across this interesting tweet from my favourite journalist. We have no reason to doubt him because it doesn't concern TRPs.

The Congress machinery is used to wielding power. It is evident that being out of power and no clear roadmap for a revival is frustrating them. Alternatives beyond the family are being thought about.

Remember, alternatives beyond the family = alternatives beyond Congress.

The family is also cornered like never before. Fast losing its political and administrative clout, floundering publicly on every issue, and being at the forefront of every new scam (and they continue to emerge every day even after 6 years).

It isn't difficult for the BJP to dismantle them completely. Pull the rug from under their feet by sending the agencies after them and block their money sources. And simultaneously, dismantle the organisation by systematically targetting or appropriating individual leaders.

The only thing that stops the BJP from going hammer and tongs once and for all is a simple question: What happens next?

One of two things can happen. Either an alternative emerges, or an alternative doesn't emerge. No doubt this is a risky prospect.

Because in BJP's scheme of things today, the Congress and the Gandhi family are playing their parts to perfection. Zero enthusiasm on the ground, a leadership that doesn't care, and narratives that sound wonderful in an NDTV studio but do not resonate beyond it.

This is the perfect status quo for BJP. However, to maintain it, it is now in BJP's interest to ensure the family doesn't land up in jail. It's in BJP's interest to ensure NDTV doesn't wind up. Blows they must land, but none can be too hard. The golden goose can't be killed.

The BJP's supremacy remains intact because the opposition is led by an incompetent, disinterested, out-of-touch family and their cronies. However, it is also BJP's Dharma to annihilate this ecosystem entirely. This is the dilemma it is confronted with.
The grand old party can be sent packing in a matter of months if the intent is backed with political will. And it is evident that the BJP has left this option open. But then, Indian politics enters uncharted territory. Is it a risk the BJP will take?

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