@HawraAllawati (senior resident) here! Current fellow/MGH res alum @the_tjroberts & I found ourselves checking off an infamous task at 2 AM

[x]swing special slide🔬🩸

This inspired the following 🧵! Follow along & we guarantee that you will have a BLAST 😉! #MedTwitter
63 M presents w CC of SOB x3 weeks. ROS: easy bruising.

T 39.0, BP130/80, O2 99% on 2L NC.

WBC 23K (2% neutrophils, 60% blasts), Hgb 8, plt 20. K 4, Cr 1.2, INR 1.7, D-dimer >1K, fibrinogen 112.

You pause and astutely start worrying about... acute leukemia!

What now?!
1)take a deep breath!

2)never worry alone! This IS something to 📟 your friendly onc fellow for (yes, even at 2 AM)! While you wait for a callback, you:

3)Look for & treat dangerous complications of acute leukemia:
🌡️Febrile Neutropenia
⚪️ Leukostasis
You checked for complications, stabilized the pt & sent flow cytometry.
🔬Now off to the lab!

There you see:
▶️ Many blasts (large nucleus, immature chromatin, scant cytoplasm)

▶️ Few promyelocytes (light blue cytoplasm & magenta-staining granules)
What do you -with the help of an onc fellow- do FIRST?

Flow= flow cytometry
ATRA= All trans-retinoic acid
BM= Bone marrow
Before we answer, let's review your suspected Dx, APL!

👥Epi: 8% of adult AML cases. Median age 47

🏥can present w pancytopenia & associated sx (fatigue, SOB, bleed/bruise). Leukocytosis (like in this case) is a marker of high-risk disease https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459352/
🩺Dx: t(15,17) translocation (that results in fusion of PML-RAR gene). You don't need 20% blasts if that's present

Pathophys: PML-RARA fusion protein blocks differentiation ➡️ cells are stuck in the promyelocyte stage
🪦Prognosis: w/o tx, short term survival is very poor! Median survival is <1 mo.

🧠🩸A major cause of this is hemorrhage! Up to 40% can have a fatal head bleed

🚨That's why coagulopathy & APL = medical emergency!

But why are pts with APL so prone to bleeding?
Simplified into 2 main mechanisms:
(unlike in sepsis there are higher levels of Protein C&S in APL hence ⬆️ bleeding)

Annexin II (expressed on blasts) ⬆️ plasmin by tPA dependent mechanism ⏩ fibrinolysis.

More on this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29703489/ 
Therefore w acute leukemia (& esp if APL is suspected):
☑️ Do a neuro exam (⬆️head bleed in APL)

☑️ Check Plt, D-dimer, fibrinogen, INR & have a low transfusion threshold: Fibrinogen >150, plt >30-50,INR <1.5

✅ATRA as soon as you *SUSPECT* APL (don't need confirmed dx)
💊ATRA promotes the terminal differentiation of malignant immature promyelocytes to mature neutrophils!

🌟Despite high early mortality, with treatment, remission rates can be >90% !!

Back to the case:
You treated the pt w ATRA, transfused & later confirmed the dx of APL!
Take home points:
🏠Acute leukemia? Look for DIC/bleeding, TLS, febrile neutropenia, leukostasis

🏠Pts. with APL have high short term mortality & high risk of bleeding. Make sure you check coags & do a neuro exam

🏠Start ATRA if you suspect APL!
13/ Thank you for following along this #tweetorial Feedback is welcome!

*case details were changed to protect pt privacy*

S/o to chief @ArielleMedford for reviewing this with me!
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