My thoughts on Ichigo character in Fullbring arc thread.

I'll briefly express my thoughts on Ichigo in FB and Please know this is a basic overview & only summarizing Ichigo's character in this one arc, I'll miss a lot of things since im writing this before going to bed 🥰😭🙏
FB opens up with powerless ichigo.

A post war era with semi untimely retired MC, struggling to cope with himself being powerless and trying to just to live a normal life. He feels restless and he thinks its due to his powers being gone and how he wont be there to protect his F&F
Ichigo without his powers is somewhat ok with it, he doesn't seem too depress over not visiting soul society or being a shinigami, he still gets into fights & doesnt feel powerless

But he is still bothered, annoyed & depress just like he was in first few eps of series.
His friends & family are with him cheering and yet he is still bothered by something.

This is where we uncover his character that his mother death & wanting tobe strong was his motivation but deeply he always desired to be understood, cuz he was always different than ever1 else
Ichigo always felt alienated because of how he could see ghosts & interact with them to the point that he even stopped acknowledging them as a ghosts

This was where he felt isolated, him wanting to share a ground with someone who could make him feel that he belonged with them
His journey as Shinigami, between two worlds, his missions with Rukia, renji etc was a temporary solution to his need. since his shinigami friends were from their world & his friends were from his human world But he was an odd duck he was never a full shinigami or complete human
This feeling of his started to resurface because now he lost his title, the title that was only his. His place of belonging, Ichigo the substitute soul reaper and to make matter worse his wants of protection was in crisis since an enemy targeted his close friend uryu
Ichigo in this moment of crisis recieves help from person name Ginjo.

They get closer, they have mutual respect and understanding for each other. Ichigo is still not powerful enough but he feels full filled because he in a way think he has found his people, that are like him
Things get worse when Ginjo betrays him, steals his powers, reveals that He was the first substitute shinigami, Ichigo in complete despair loses himself , overwhelmed by sadness and loss his want of protection kicks in & stands up to ginjo demanding his powers, standing powerless
Standing up to Ginjo without his powers, friends or any backup was most important chrctr moment.

It showed tht Ichigo need was full filled through his journey with Ginjo & had found his place between worlds that gave him courage to stand up to ginjo, demanding his powers back
Ichigo friends helps him out by giving him new power.

Ichigo fights Ginjo but this time their fight is more abt their differences of opinion about future & soul society.

Ginjo tells him abt SS but he doesn't care anymore cuz he knows now SS was never meant to be his home
Ginjo dies in battle & Ichigo with all his chest goes to soul society & demands Ginjo body to give him a proper funeral as a substitute shinigami

Ichigo has now found his place in the world he is now a Substitute shinigami, Ginjo symbolically became his brother & his savior.
Ichigo character is very complex this was only a brief overview , i missed a lot of things because this arc cannot be summarized.

This arc had so many themes, philosophies & so many beautifully written character. This arc was poetic. It completed Ichigo's character.
This arc showed us that simply having Family & friends aren't enough to save us from our demons from our insecurities or from feeling incomplete this may have been the most cathartic arc in shonen history.

I'll explore the arc in complete details if any of you are interested
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